4-H Project Grant Scoring Rubric

Date 1 point
Name 1 point
Age 1 point
Club Name 1 point
Years in 4-H 1 point
Name of Project 1 point
Project Start Date 1 point
Project Finish Date 1 point
Amount Requested 1 point
Tell us why you have chosen this project.
(Identify educational, leadership, growth potential, skills to acquire, etc.)
3 points: The skills are identified and direct connections are made between the project and/or event and the skill, or
2 points: Skills identified by connection to project is vague or nonexistent
1 point: No skills identified
0 points: Blank
Tell us what your budget is and the expenses you expect to incur (Describe how funds will be used) 2 points: If budget is reasonable and accurate (calculations shown when appropriate) and include description of how the funds will be used
1 point: If the budget is missing information and/or missing description of how the funds will be used
0 points: Blank
If approved, who should the check be made to 1 point
Mailing address where funds should be sent 1 point
Email Address 1 point
Electronic Signature 1 point

4-H Member can earn a total of 18 points on the 4-H Project Scholarship application. Half points can be given. Zero points will be awarded for any category missing the required information. Final score will be turned into a percentage. Final Score divided by 18. If a member earned 15 points — 15/18 = 0.83 = 83%.

Example Budget

In written form:
I plan to buy arrows from Sportsman’s Warehouse for $37.99, a bow stand from Amazon for $47.99, a release from Scheels fore $49.99, an archery target from Walmart for $69.99, a quiver from Sportsman’s Warehouse for $36.99 and arrows for $9.99 from Amazon. The total cost is $252.9